Use Intentional Camera Movement for a CREATIVE Boost (VIDEO)

We’re always on the lookout for unique techniques that enable you to capture artistic images that look different from others, and help you develop a style all your own. Today we have a good one that covers all three goals through the use of intentional camera movement (ICM).

What makes this technique so eye-catching and unique is that it results in images that are the opposite of what most of us strive for; namely, sharp photos with precise focus. With ICM the goal is to add depth and visual interest by moving the camera in specific ways during a long exposure.

You’ve probably seen ethereal images that almost seem to be alive, with action subjects rushing through the frame, cityscapes that almost appear to have been captured during an earthquake, and even landscape photos with these effects. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn to do in the video below.

The imagery of Eva Polak is recognizable because of the impressionist style she employs in a variety of ways. In describing her work she says, “I believe every photograph has the potential to be a work of art.” One of the methods she uses with regularity is ICM, and her images reflect the emotion, beauty, movement and flowing colors of this technique.

Whether you shoot handheld, or employ a tripod under certain conditions, this technique isn’t difficult to master if you follow Polak’s advice and do a bit of practice and experimentation. And trust us, the dynamic results you’ll achieve will be well worth the effort.

As you’ll see, there’s a bit more to ICM than choosing a slow shutter speed and moving the camera randomly during the exposure. That’s why the first letter of ICM stands for “intentional.” In other words, every movement you make should be done with purpose,

Polak demonstrates everything you know to get started in less than five minutes. You’ll learn how create a variety of looks by panning, tilting, and moving the camera in other ways—things you could have done with many of the images you shot in the past. So practice up, because in the future we plan to take a deeper dive into this interesting technique.

All you have to do to view more of Polak’s stunning work is pay a visit to her YouTube channel. We also suggest you watch the tutorial we posted from another accomplished photographer, explaining how to give photos a unique eye-catching look by capturing sunstars in the camera.
