Photo IMPORT Tricks: You May Be Wasting a Lot of Time (VIDEO)

Today’s post-processing tutorial is devoted to a “critical” task that one pro says can make or break your entire workflow and really slow you down; namely, the method you use to import images into Lightroom.

Instructor Christopher O’Donnell puts it like this: “It’s the first step that most photographer get wrong, and it’s because they don’t really understand how the Catalog works behind the scenes.” O’Donnell  is a Photoshop/Lightroom expert whose videos are designed to help nature and landscape shooters streamline their workflow while achieving optimum results, and this one is super important.

Like all of O’Donnell’s lessons, this episode covers both the why and the how because, “this is the direct path to creating the images you desire.” In barely 10 minutes he pulls back the curtain on the Lightroom Catalog and demonstrates how it interacts with your Raw files. By following his succinct advice you’ll avoid frustrating and time-consuming mistakes.

The last thing you want to is set yourself up for failure at the onset, which is what some photographers do by incorrectly organizing their files before even hitting Lightroom’s Import button. O’Donnell begins by explaining the architecture behind the Catalog so that you’ll understand the remedial steps he recommends for putting images in the right place.

These simple tips will not only speed things up, be they’ll also solve aggravating problems like missing images, duplicates, and other navigational roadblocks. One huge problem occurs when you intend to transfer images from a memory card to the Catalog, but the files mistakenly get copied to your computer’s hard drive instead.

When this happens Lightroom then establishes a connection to these files on your drive. The problem occurs during import when “Lightroom will create additional, smaller copies or previews of all these Raw files and stores them in the Catalog as well.” And this causes a variety of problems.

This is just the first of several concerns that O’Donnell explains, before demonstrating the solutions. Along the way you’ll learn the importance of sorting Raw files before import, and why “you aren’t tied tied down to your external drive.”

O’Donnell wraps up the lesson with this: Trust me, your future self will thank you!.” If you agree, and we think you will, take a look at his instructional YouTube channel where there’s much more to learn about Photoshop and Lightroom.

We also suggest watching a tutorial we featured recently with another image-editing expert who demonstrates how to bring dull bring landscape photos to life by using Lightroom Color Range Masks.
