If you’re just starting out with landscape photography, you’ve likely made this exposure mistake with your photos. Even professional photographer Mark Denney has made this critical error because, like all photographers, he was a beginner once too.
Have you ever tried cutting a subject out of a photo to place it on another background? If so, you know this can be a cumbersome task—especially if you want pristine results. In the video below, you’ll learn a great trick for getting the job done quickly and accurately.
Should you emphasize the foreground in landscape photos, strive to balance nearby objects with those in the distance, or eliminate the foreground altogether? That obviously depends upon the scene. The tutorial below explains how to make this important decision for the best possible results.
If there’s anyone who knows the best boudoir poses out there, it’s Marco Ibanez, a successful Washington DC-based boudoir photographer we turn to again and again for his posing tips.