14 Tips For Your Interior Design Blog: Get More Clients From Your Blog
Blogging has the capability to automatically attract new clients to your interior design business.
But it’s not easy.
You need to master a few things to maximise it’s potential including SEO, email marketing as well as audience engagement if you’re an interior designer looking to start a blog.
To help you get the most out of your interior design blog I asked the shortlisted blogs for the Amara Interior Blog Awards to give their best advice for interior design blogging.
Let’s get stuck in…

Know Your Audience
“When writing an interior design blog, it’s crucial to have a solid handle on your audience. Staying on top of the latest design trends matters, but so too does understanding what your audience is looking for at any given time.
It’s important to know their demographic and purchasing patterns, as well as what they find interesting. Here at VIGO, we ask questions like, “Does our audience want a “How-to install your single handle faucet” article or would hey prefer a longer-form review on high-end farmhouse sinks. Another must when blogging for and interior designer is to pair practicality with what we call the “pretty vibe.”
Yes, your kitchen/bathroom/shower space must look beautiful, but it also has to function optimally. Weaving in both elements will bring your blog readers the most value.”
– Elinor Cohen, VIGO
“Blogging in the interior design world is equal parts knowing yourself and knowing your audience.
There must be a fine balance between showcasing your passions and meeting the needs of your readers. Within this world, it can be so tempting to jump on every design trend, but this will water down your content until you no longer stand out from the crowd.
Your audience will be able to tell when your authenticity is lacking. Connection, conversation and community are just as important in the blogging world as having high-quality design content to share.”
– Sarah Symonds, Grace in My Space
“My best piece of advice for an interior design blog is to really know who you are trying to reach! Your style can evolve and change over time, and therefore, your readers will as well.
However, you need to make sure that you are continuously answering your audience’s questions and solving their pain points!
Don’t be afraid to ask them what they need help with and what they want to hear about from you. Know who you are trying to reach and connect with them! A newsletter is a great way to get to know your readers!”
– Rebecca Celhar, Hello Central Avenue

Inform & Entertain Your Readers
“I think the main trick for every blog, whether it is centred around interior design or not, is to make sure that what you are creating is interesting, informative or funny – ideally all three simultaneously.
More specifically for blogs relating to interiors, it is important to establish your particular style, every interior designer has a style – it might be adaptable but it’s what defines you and the same should be true of a blog.”
– Isabella Blyth Currie, OKA
Go In-Depth To Showcase Your Projects & Process
“Truly share your design with your readers. This means not just the pretty pics that you get once your project is complete, but the process of how you came about that design.
The clients’ specific requirements, the potential and the limitations of the space and the vision you have for it, all go hand in hand into giving you the final outcome. Pinterest is for pretty pics.
Sharing the process behind the pics makes your blog a go-to for design lovers.”
– Rittika Chokhany, Ariyona Interior
“I’ve been blogging for a few years now and I realized that sharing my work was a great way to use the blog platform. If you’re an interior designer or stylist, use your work as content for your blog.
Share tips and tricks from your work in a blog post. It will be more relatable to people and also a great way to get clients from that.
Join the online interior design community where you can share your blog posts. And get to know others to get inspired by them so you can be even better in your blog craft. And as always, share your own content on your social media channels.”
– Hubertienne Decaster, JenPen Creative Studio

“Having started our interior design business out of a passion for all things homes, our blog started for the same reason. We wanted to give people more detail about our own home projects, client projects and advice taken from our years of renovating homes.
Our tip, therefore, would be to write your blog posts about topics you are passionate about and have genuine experience in. This will engage and resonate more with readers.”
– Beth & Jon Miller, Fresh Start Living
Own Your Niche
“Being crowned the Best Design Inspiration Blog 2019 in the Oscars of the Interior Blog Awards – the Amara Interior Blogging Awards was an absolute honour as we are a little different to many other interiors blogs – we discuss interior design, furniture and décor you spot in your favourite films.
My advice would be to find a distinct angle and tone of voice – find a niche which makes you stand out. Talk about what you do with passion and integrity, and also commit to regular posts and use social media to spread the word!”
– Paula Benson, FilmandFurniture.com
“I think it is important to choose an angle that you really enjoy and feel passionate about. Blogging is a time-consuming endeavour and if you don’t love it, you may find it hard to keep it up.
Secondly, at times you might feel out of your depth cause there are so many good blogs out there. Don’t fret. The time you put in will only help you get better.
Don’t look at other blogs as competition, use them as inspiration to guide you towards your own authentic voice.”
– Barbara Cilliers, SoonAfternoon

“With SO many interior design blogs out in the world, the best advice I can give is to have a niche and stick to it.
For readers to love your content, and to keep coming back – they need to know exactly what they can expect from you/your blog.
That way, those who are equally passionate about your interior design niche will seek you out and happily spend their online time with you!”
– Delali Foli, Decor by Delali
“My biggest tip for interior bloggers is to find your “niche,” what you’re good at and what you love and really expand on that. Figure out what is unique to you and always be mindful of what your readers are expecting from you.
Stay true to yourself and your style and don’t veer too far from it. My other big piece of advice is to find like-minded bloggers in the same niche and share ideas, inspiration and knowledge.”
– Lindsey Manning, Repurpose & Upcycle
Solve Real Problems
“Help your readers solve an interior design problem. While it’s always fun to share a room makeover or interior design inspiration, the posts on my blog that have resonated the most with my readers are those that address a widely felt design dilemma, such as styling built-in shelves and finding your design style.
I try to be open and honest about how I also struggled with these interior design challenges and then give easy to follow steps on how I tackled them. At the end of the day, I want my readers to feel that a thoughtfully designed home is within their reach.”
– Olivia Weisman, Our Hammock House

“My advice to anyone with an interior design blog is to make sure every blog you write offers your readers a solution to a problem. Make sure it’s achievable to the masses too! If it was a problem for you, chances are it will be a problem your readers are trying to solve too!
A bit of honesty also goes a long way in this slightly rose-tinted online world! People warm to honesty so don’t be afraid to add a little humour to your blog with a bit of reality!”
– Kirsty, Greenbank Interiors
Be You
”I would say the best piece of advice I would have for an interior design blog is being consistent and also yourself.
There are so many interior blogs out there so your returning readers will come back to your blog because of you as well as your interior advise. If you make it personal it will be more relatable for people to read and enjoy.”
– Aoife Maria, Style So Simple
“If I had to give just one piece of advice to start blogging, it would be to be true to yourself.
I know it sounds cliché, but that’s actually helpful in practice too!
To start with, building your blog on a topic you’re really passionate about will make it easier for you to write in the long run and more pleasant for others to read (yes, passion somehow shines through words!)
Also, it will make it a dab easier to overcome the hard times that – whether we like it or not – will happen along the way.
So I’d say, take some time to think before you start and then focus on the one area of interior design you love the most! Good Luck!”
– Silvia Ceria, D for Design

“If I had a thousand homes, each one would be different. Yet, when it comes to blogging about interiors, it’s imperative that I don’t lose sight of my perspective.
You see, I think you need to know where you come from and where you’re going. You also need to polish your creativity and use your knowledge and experience gained over the years from this ever-changing design industry.
That’s the only way to stay true to yourself and consistent to your aesthetic values, in order to find that voice of yours that sets you apart from others.”
– Velvet Karatzas, TE ESSE
“The best advice, that I wish that someone had given me when I was starting out, is to just be yourself. I started out by researching other interior bloggers; what they wrote about, how they wrote, their style.
It was probably the worst thing to do, as initially that changed my approach to writing and it didn’t sound authentic. I soon realized that the best way forward was not to follow what others do, but to write about the things that interest me and do it in my way, grow my own style and express it in my own voice. Try not to get caught up in questioning yourself and don’t overthink it.
The best writing comes naturally when you are in flow. I find that so long as a piece is entertaining and or educational then people will enjoy reading it.”
– Paula Fay Evans, The Curious Designer
Instil Trust In your Audience
“There’s a well-known quote from William Morris that a lot of Interior Designers use and I’d like to update that with “have nothing on your blog that you wouldn’t be prepared to have in your home.
Promote only that which you know to be beautiful or useful and which is genuinely tried and tested by yourself so you can be true and honest with your readers”.
Let’s be influencers who create magic and atmosphere and show the way in making a home a personal haven, a retreat from the outside world.
Instil trust in your audience so you can lead them to explore their own creativity and not be afraid to play with ideas, they will thank you for it.”
– Janice Issitt, Janice Issitt Life and Simple

Write About What Your Love
“In my Random Treasure blog I like to write about the objects which adorn my house, all bought second-hand in local charity shops and salerooms. I don’t accept sponsorship or advertising and write strictly for the joy of it.
My advice to those with an interior blog: blog about what you love, don’t get caught up with fashions, fads or trends, ignore what others say and do. Do your research and write real stories about your own object choices or style.
Show your excitement and pleasure with the things you choose to have around you. And never compromise your writing style and punctuation.”
– Roger Stewart, Random Treasure
Keep It Visual
“My top tips for blogging in the interior & design niche are simple. Keep it as informative, yet brief and visual as possible.
My audience especially is following for projects that can be DIY’ed and items that fit ‘the every day family/ person’ that is not out of reach financially and time-input wise.
Always be transparent, if a project or DIY, for example, did not turn out as desired and offer other solutions or ‘what I would do the next time’, to save your audience also time and money.”
– Christin Haussmann, Earthly Urban Interiors
Always Be Honest
“My advice for someone starting or wanting to start an interior design blog, don’t be scared to say exactly what you think, people love raw honesty and it also gives a better idea of you as a person. The more honest you are in your writing the more the reader will connect with you.
Consistency is key, try to keep your posts and ‘look’ consistent, whether that’s using your own images or stock images, try to keep them all of a similar style to keep your website looking cohesive.”
– Paul Harrison, Design & Beyond

Consistency Is Key
“Content is fundamental and we all know it.
Content needs to be original but also tailored to what people like, not exclusively on what you like.
Your job is to inform and inspire others.
The look of your blog is very important too. You can get the most beautiful flowers but if the vase is ugly, the content looks less attractive.
Persistence is also a key to blogging. Persistence means that you have to be consistent in publishing, as well as being patient because building an audience can take years.”
– Elena Giavarini, +Deco
“I opened my blog in 2017 and what I’ve learned so far is that being consistent in publishing new posts is one of the keys to a blog’s success.
I know it can be very demanding, especially if blogging is not a full-time job, but my advice is to publish at least one post per week.
It is essential to have your own recognizable style, differentiate yourself from other blogs and create interesting content. But all this matters little if the blog has few readers.
By consistently publishing new posts, you create contents that generate traffic to the blog, increase your chances to get new readers and to also have more returning visitors.”
– Mariana Bettinelli, Interior Notes
Edit, Edit, Edit
“You should spend as much time editing an article as you did writing it. It can sometimes be hard to come up with new content.
My advice is just get started by putting whatever thread of an idea you have down on paper and keep writing. Get all of your thoughts down and don’t worry too much about the flow of the piece.
Once you have a good body of text it’s time to edit. You’ll find that paragraphs and sentences move around and some get cut altogether. Be ruthless, it’s the editing that makes all the difference.”
– Denise O’Connor, Optimise Home

Be Prepared For The Long Haul
“There are a few things to take into consideration before jumping on the blog bandwagon. Some people think blogging is a breeze but it does take up quite a bit of time, research and dedication so before firing away make sure you have set yourself some time aside to do a bit of planning.
There is nothing more important than being regular when it comes to posting so don’t get overexcited and say you are going to post four times a month when realistically you know you probably could only manage to post one or two times a month. Stick to your plan and then your audience will be prepared for your content.
Another tip of mine is to keep it real when writing your posts. Imagine yourself as a consumer and what you would want to read about. I do this a lot when writing content for my blog as I want to create engaging posts. Give it a go and get writing!”
– Nicole Burnett, Wise Owl Interiors
Be Original
“With so many interior design bloggers these days, how do you fit in? Don’t feel overwhelmed or that you’re repeating what others have already blogged about as everyone has their own interpretation, their own voice, and their own style.
The best advice for blogging in the interior design world is: be original! Honestly, it sounds so simple and self-explanatory but using your own words and your own photography will go a long way.
If you’re just starting out, don’t feel stuck with trying to make everything perfect, just start! Also if your photographs aren’t perfect don’t be tempted to use stock photography, we can all tell! Stock photography doesn’t feel genuine and you instantly disconnect to the reader! Your own iPhone photos will be better than stock photography in the long run.
When it comes to picking topics to start with blogging about things you already know or projects that you have recently completed. You want to build authority and trust with your readers that you know what you’re talking about. It’s also good to understand what your blog is really about!
Meaning are you giving DIY tips, are you trend reporting, are you doing styling sessions, etc. This understanding will help you through your topics and help you stay focused when actually blogging. It would also be a great heading on your bi-line!
Overall the best advice for interiors blogging is to know your message, be original and JUST START! “
– Jenna + Mariana, Interior Fox

“My tip when it comes to blogging in the interior world is to stay true to you and find your own niche. By carefully selecting a niche and focus on your individual style, it will help you stand out from the crowd.
What is your passion? If you write about something you are feeling passionate about it will shine through in the content you create.
On my blog, for instance, I talk about Scandinavian interior and lifestyle, and by choosing a name that correlates with this (That Scandinavian Feeling) new readers will quickly know what it is about. “
– Ingrid Opstad, That Scandinavian Feeling
Wow. Some truly amazing tips from the best bloggers and interior designers in the industry. A massive thank you to all of the contributors who took the time to share their most impact factors in their own blogging success that can help you, my readers.
Are you blogging yet?