Two Photoshop Tools That are Useless or Destructive Unless They’re Used Like This (VIDEO)
Photoshop offers a vast array of features, some more effective and easier to apply that others. Today’s quick tutorial from the globally popular PiXimperfect YouTube channel discusses two tools that are frequently ignored because some users dismiss them as useless or even destructive. Applied properly, however, they are very powerful and effective.
The subjects of ire are Photoshop’s underrated Smudge tool and Blur tool. According to instructor Unmesh Dinda, however, “these tools can dramatically improve your masking workflow and help you clean up rough edges, refine transitions, and create natural-looking composites with ease.
Dinda’s tutorials are built around a somewhat rare strategy: “We believe in learning the concept, rather than just learning the steps so that you can translate your imagination visually to the world. This will make you a better decision-maker because every situation is different and the definition of beauty is subjective..”
To that this end Dinda describes the backstory of the two tools in question, and then he walks you through simple steps for mastering them in a way that will add a surprising level of finesse to your Photoshop workflow. Once you understand and follow Dinda’s advice we can pretty much guarantee that you’ll no longer avoid the commonly maligned Smudge tool and Blur tool.
Dinda is known for his rapid-fire style and covering a lot of ground quickly, so we recommend being prepared to jot down a few notes as this seven-minute episode flies by in a hurry.
You may want to join the other five-million subscribers to the wildly popular PiXimperfect YouTube channel that includes instructional videos on just about any post-processing topic imaginable.
We also recommend watching the recent tutorial we featured from another insightful expert who explains why you may be sabotaging your chances of eliminating noise at high ISO settings. He then demonstrates a powerful technique for achieving “incredibly clean and sharp” photographs when bumping up sensitivity is required.