Unique Landscape Photos Using Textures, Shapes & Patterns (VIDEO)

Do the landscape photos you capture seem to lack that “little something extra” that separates good images from great ones? If so, today’s tutorial from the Adorama TV YouTube channel reveals a great way to up your game by composing outdoor scenes with textures, shapes and patterns in mind.

Instructor Prince McClinton is a skilled outdoor photographer who specializes in quick tutorials that are designed to help other shooters become better visual storytellers. He promises that the techniques you’ll learn today “will elevate your landscape photography into stunning abstract art.”

McClinton is on location in New Mexico’s stunning City of Rocks State Park where jagged rock formations meet flowing surfaces to create intricate designs that ignite the imagination. You’ll watch him explore interesting natural elements in rugged terrain and experiment with camera angles, vantage points, different perspectives, and more.

These game-changing techniques require you to set aside a search for expansive vistas and focus your attention on tighter details that would otherwise be overlooked. McClinton shares practical tips and techniques that will help you transform these elements into captivating compositions. You’ll have to be willing to temporarily change your mindset and the manner in which you view the outdoor world.

McClinton illustrates how it’s done in less than three minutes, so we won’t bother summarizing his methods here. In this case, watching him work his magic is the best way to learn. Then the next time you’re out in the field you’ll have a whole new approach for expanding your style.

There’s much more to learn on the Adorama TV instructional YouTube channel, so take a look and explore. You can also view McClinton’s outstanding imagery on his Instagram page.

And don’t miss last week’s tutorial featuring another pro who demonstrates how to clean up landscape photos with a new Photoshop tool that detects and removes image-killing distractions.
