Get Optimum Image Quality with Gear You Already Own (VIDEO)

Let’s face it: Many of us can’t afford the latest hi-res cameras, exotic lenses, and other expensive accessories, but we all aspire to capturing great images. If this sounds familiar pay close attention to this quick tutorial that explains how to squeeze every ounce of excellence out of whatever equipment is in your bag.

Instructor Duade Paton is an experienced Australian nature photographer, with a portfolio of beautiful nature and wildlife images. As you can in his equipment list below the video, he uses some really great stuff because photography is how he makes a living. That said, Paton is very sympathetic to the plight of amateurs who can’t justify top-line cameras and lenses.

The video below is the third installment of Paton’s popular Masterclass series that provides shooting, editing, and gear recommendations for photographers of all skill levels. Today he emonstrates several enlightening image-quality techniques that anyone can achieve in the field without upgrading their arsenal.

Just so you don’t feel envious, Paton demonstrates how to the job done while shooting with a 15-year-old camera worth about forty bucks. He begins with what he says are two key image-quality elements that everyone must consider before pressing the shutter button in the field. “The first one is the available light reflecting back into the lens.”

What Patron refers to as the second most essential element comes as somewhat of a surprise; namely, how big the subject is in the viewfinder or how close we are to that subject. He says, “I can’t stress how important these two details are because they directly correlate to the amount of quality you have in your images.

Patron defines image quality like this: “For me it refers to an image that’s sharp and  full of detail with high resolution.” He also strives to capture imagesthat appear realistic and lifelike. The takeaway is that these aspirations are attainable if you understand what to do.

After this brief introduction Paton spends the remainder of the lesson demonstrating several straightforward techniques for capturing impressive nature, wildlife, and landscape images in the field without breaking the bank. Once you’re done watching head over to his instructional YouTube channel here you’ll find an abundance of other powerful tips and techniques.

We also encourage you check out the earlier tutorial we featured with another adept photographer who demonstrates how a rudimentary understanding of color theory will significantly improve the quality and appeal of every photograph you capture.
