Earlier this month we discussed five ways to boost autofocus with whatever gear you own. Today’s tutorial from Great Big Photography World (GBPW) takes a look at one specific camera setting that will deliver the best possible results in a variety of situations.
GBPW is a popular online community of enthusiasts and professionals who share shooting and editing tips and techniques to help others create better imagery. In this quick episode our unnamed instructor explains the concept behind single-point AF, why the technique is so popular among pros, and several simple tips for getting the job done.
It’s logical to assume that this method is only appropriate for static subjects, like landscapes, portraits, or images of birds perched on the branch of a tree. In fact, however, there are times when this approach can also be used to advantage when photographing subjects in motion.
There are several very helpful tips in this three-minute lesson, including where and how to place the point of focus while composing a scene. The instructor also provides example of why, “single-point autofocus is the AF mode I use most of the time.”
The benefits of this technique are many, including the fact that you have full control of focus, rather than trusting the camera to get it right. Our instructor puts it like this: “Having the camera make the choice in Multi-Point mode often results in photos that are focused in the wrong place.”
It takes a bit of practice to move a single focus point to the correct spot within the frame, and this approach slow you down at first. But once you get the hang of it “you’ll become more precise and faster that if your camera is set to Multi-Point AF.”

You may want to consult your manual because different cameras have a propriety method for making this adjustment. Sometimes it’s a button or joystick, while other times you’ll rotate a wheel or use the touchscreen on the back of the camera to set the AF point like you do on a phone.
Properly configuring the camera is the first task, and the remainder of the lesson concentrates on several practical techniques for using single-point AF in the correct manner depending upon the specific task at hand. Then you’ll be able to capture consistently sharp photos every time.
There’s much more to learn on the Great Big Photography World YouTube channel, so be sure to check it out.
And don’t miss the tutorial mentioned above that demonstrates five ways to boost autofocus speed and acquisition with whatever photography gear you own.