The only thing worse than not using the photo gear you have is not having the photo gear you want to use. But there’s an easy way to turn the tables: sell or trade in the equipment to MPB, the largest global online platform to buy, sell or trade used photo and video gear. Get the ball rolling with a free, instant online quote—without commitment. Every step of the process is easy, safe and fast, and you get your money sent directly to your bank. MPB even picks up the tab when you ship a product to them.

That 100-400mm f/5.6 zoom you thought you needed to stalk your birdfeeder didn’t work out and now sits cramped in a backpack in your closet. We’ve been there—believe it. Or maybe you’ve outgrown your beginner camera and need some serious hardware. These are symptoms that tell you it’s time to trade in or sell your retired photo, video and drone gear to MPB and move on to some new gear.

Don’t Wait for Summer
Winter is full of photo opportunities if you have the right equipment and know where to aim your lens. Here are some idea starters to get you motivated.
Outdoor photography in the dead of winter often involves snow, ice and/or freezing rain. If you drive an early model DSLR or mirrorless and lenses that lack weather-resistant construction, consider trading up to a newer body like an Olympus OM-D model that has water resistance and can be used with less risk of permanent damage. Time to get outside and enjoy the winter wonderland.

If cold and nasty weather deadens your photographic urges, stay indoors and explore the exciting world of macro photography. You’ll want a tripod for best results, and MPB can also help you there. In addition to delivering the best close-up performance, macro lenses generally make ideal portrait lenses. A 50mm f/2.8 full-frame macro equates to an 80mm f/2.8 when used on a Canon or Nikon APS-C DSLR, for example. The 80mm focal length is perfect for headshots and also allows you to get very close to your subject to explore tiny details. And the f/2.8 aperture provides attractive bokeh and helps separate the subject from the background.

Wintertime is also family photo time. Grab casual snaps of the kids in action, shoot carefully choreographed portraits for posterity and capture video of happenings that will be fun to reminisce about 10 years later.
What about your photo bag or backpack? If you’ve outgrown the one you have, sell it or trade it in for something more suitable.

Level Up Your Game Frugally
To offset the cost of new gear, sell or trade your idle equipment at MPB. Founded by Matt Barker in 2011, MPB has more than 300,000 customers worldwide. MPB trades thousands of cameras and lenses every week. They check, grade and photograph every single item, and back it with a six-month warranty. Unlike most other photo retailers, MPB focuses only on used equipment, providing you with unrivaled access to a vast range of photo and filmmaking products.
And here’s a fact that will blow your mind. On average, customers earn $900 each time they sell to MPB.
If you’re like many avid photographers, there are probably some DSLRs or lenses you really wanted when they first came out but couldn’t afford at full price. MPB may have that model in stock in their huge inventory right now—and at an affordable price. Trading in becomes trading up to the camera you used to only dream about.

MPB: Easy as 1-2-3
1. Instant Quote
MPB’s online appraisals are free and fast. Simply enter the model name and condition of the product you’re selling and indicate whether there’s another item you’d like to buy in exchange. Even if you’re not trading or selling, MPB is a great place to make your next purchase.
2. Free Shipping
MPB pays for shipping when you send your gear in to verify the condition and consummate the deal. You can change your mind right until the last second, too.

3. Receive Payment
You get your money fast when you sell to MPB. You don’t wait for a “check in the mail.” As soon as MPB receives your gear, they check the items, confirm the quote and send the money to your bank account. Payment is quick and secure.

Take a Tour
Visit MPB’s platform and look around. There’s a good chance that you’ll find something you want to buy from MPB’s vast inventory of used photo and video tools during the selling process. If you’re in more of a buying mood than a selling mood, MPB is the place to get a great deal. MPB thoroughly inspects and photographs every item before posting it for sale. When you order from MPB you receive the item that’s pictured in the listing and it’s protected by a six-month warranty.
Open a free MPB account to unlock faster checkout, manage your transactions online and get more relevant content. The MPB website is a wealth of product information, pertinent interviews, podcasts, competitions, gear guides, how-to tips, videos and other content of interest to photo and video storytellers.
Remember: The only thing worse than not using the photo gear you have is not having the photo gear you want to use. Sell or trade in your beginner camera for a more pro model. Sell the lenses you no longer use and trade them for some you will use. Visit MPB today and get the information you need to make an informed decision.
—Shutterbug Staff