Have you ever been disappointed by your early-evening cityscape photos because they didn’t accurately capture the magic of Blue Hour? That’s actually a common occurrence, and in the video below you’ll learn how to correct the problem by making city lights glow with a simple HDR technique.
Instructor Greg Benz “got hooked” on photography over 20 years ago. Today he’s a successful pro, and he says, “My goal is not just to create art, but to share the vision, tools, and techniques behind my work.”
In this powerful episode he shares his secrets for using “the amazing HDR tool” in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) to restore the full details in images captured after dark. Before donning his magician’s hat and demonstrating the HDR edit, he makes some quick adjustments to correct a few basic problems.
What you’ll notice right away are the converging verticals in the shot, and Benz demonstrates how easy that distraction is to correct. Another problem has to do the unrealistic curvature in a light pole on left side of the frame. This is due to the geometric distortion of Benz’ lens, and it’s equally easy to fix.
Benz then works on the color, exposure, contrast, and luminosity of the image with a few other quick adjustments, and now the photo is looking pretty good. He makes a copy of the shot at this stage for comparison purposes, and now it’s time for some HDR magic.
The approach recommended by Benz requires a few changes to Photoshop’s HDR settings. The first, which only applies to Mac users, involves choosing the Technology Preview option within the Settings dropdown menu. He also demonstrates a workaround for Windows users.
The remainder of this eye-opening lesson is the fun part, as Benz walks you through the necessary steps for emulating his powerful HDR method. As you’ll see, it’s actually very straightforward. Now compare his standard edit with the beautiful HDR image and you’ll be very impressed.
After watching this helpful video head oveer to Benz’ popular YouTube channel were you’ll find much more of the same.
This video may be controversial because lenses with maximum apertures of f/2.8 or faster tend to get all the love. That’s because they typically fall into the “premium” or pro category and are so useful for shooting in low light. But slower lenses with f/4 maximum apertures have a few significant benefits too.
This episode comes from our friends at Park Cameras, a popular retailer in the UK that regularly posts very useful tips and techniques for photographers of all skill levels. This one is more of a discussion than a shooting tutorial, and offers an interesting perspective on lenses some photographers ignore (unless they’re forced to economize).
It turns out that instructor Gareth Evans has a love affair with f/4 glass, and in barely six minutes he discusses the “beauty of these lenses, and how much they have to offer for certain types of photography.” He also explains why a lens in this category may be the best choice for your next purchase.
According to Evans, who owns fast lenses too, “shooting with an f/4 lens in certain situations “makes as much sense or a bit more sense than shooting with an f/2.8 optic. And as alluded to above, the slower lens is significantly less expensive.
But, as you’ll see, there’s much more to this comparison than cost. One benefit for photographers on the go, either on the streets or in the field, is the much smaller form factor of f/4 lenses, which are significantly lighter as well. Depending upon the focal length and the other gear you’re carrying, that can be a huge benefit to your back and shoulders on a daylong shoot.
Evans also corrects the misconception that “you can’t get a blurred background or some beautiful bokeh in your shots with f/4 lenses” as long as you do things properly. He offers a few helpful tips in this regard, including how to maximize depth of field.
Gareth offers a few other reasons for “what makes f/4 lenses so great,” and he lists some of his favorite choices in the description beneath the video. There’s no reason to feel bad if you’ve already invested in a fast lens or two, because for certain applications they can’t be beat. But you can also pick up an f/4 lens, new or used, at very low cost.